Invest in Renaissance, an AERIS-rated CDFI with a proven track record of helping provide Mississippians with the opportunity for economic growth.
Invest In Your Community by Investing in RCLF
Why Invest in us?
RCLF provides financing to higher risk, low-income borrowers, first-time homeowners, and entrepreneurs. By providing comprehensive support to borrowers from the moment they apply through the process of getting them prepared for a loan until well after they close, we ensure the clients’ continued success with their loan.
Our extensive services ensure that its borrowers are credit-ready before they close on their loan. These include:
- One-on-one counseling
- Budgeting assistance
- Credit repair assistance
- Financial education classes
Become a RCLF Partner
RCLF invites you to become a partner in its efforts to meet the lending gap and give assistance to homeowners and entrepreneurs who would otherwise not have access to safe and affordable financing. Through your financial support, RCLF will increase its capacity to provide capital for home purchases, home renovations, and to start-up or expanding businesses.
We ask you to join RCLF in meeting the growing need for lending capital for residents of underserved communities throughout Mississippi who need it most, especially in the current economic climate. Below are the benefits for partnerships.
Partnership Benefits
Supporting Homeownership
A home is the primary asset that allows stability, fosters long-term household planning, and builds both financial equity and commitment to a neighborhood. Homeownership is also the primary means through which most Americans build wealth.
Creating Jobs and Generating Revenue
Investing partners support small businesses, job creation and revenue generating tools that invest in communities.
Improving Community Health
All partners demonstrate a commitment to building Mississippi & Alabama’s underserved communities by supporting homeownership and small business development – both essential for vibrant, thriving communities.
Supporting Entrepreneurship
Microenterprises and small businesses fuel the local economy through innovation and growth. Small businesses are a vital means for moving from low-wage jobs to jobs with better wages and security.
Meeting Needs
Partners can be confident that their support will enable RCLF to increase its capacity to meet the significant need and demand for lending capital and services for first-time homeowners in Mississippi & Alabama and microenterprise and small business owners throughout the states.
Begin Investing In RCLF
If you have questions regarding the investment process or would like to begin to invest with Renaissance Community Loan Fund, contact our Chief Financial Officer, Chuck Wall, by calling (228) 896-3386 or emailing
Financial Information
- 2023 Filed IRS-990
- 2023 Filed IRS 990T
- 2022 Filed IRS-990
- 2022 Filed IRS 990T
- 2021 Filed IRS-990
- 2021 Filed IRS 990T
- 2020 Filed IRS-990
- 2020 Filed IRS 990T
- 2019 Filed IRS-990
- 2019 Filed IRS-990T
- 2018 Filed IRS-990
- 2018 Filed IRS 990T
- 2017 Filed IRS-990
- 2017 Filed IRS-990T
- 2016 Filed IRS-990
- 2016 Filed IRS 990T
- 2015 Filed IRS-990

A MS & AL Licensed Mortgage Company
Certificate of Good Standing from Mississippi SOS
Licensed by the MS Dept of Banking and Consumer Finance